51.58 – Frederick, Sarah Ann, Ann, Helen and Alice Lee

These striking sidestones were tumbled over and half-buried when we arrived, and the grave itself recorded but not fully; we’ve put it back together as best we can for now, and despite its humble appearance it holds one of the town’s storytellers: Frederick Lee, of the Todmorden Advertiser and protegee of Richard and Thomas Chambers. …

51.63 – William, Sally, Emma and Sarah Ann Crossley, Susy Mattinson, and Sarah Annie Camm

Lots of names and surnames here, covering four generations: William and Sally, their daughter Susy, her daughters Emma and Sarah Ann, and her granddaughter Sarah Annie. We’ll try not to make it too confusing. William Crossley was a clogger, born in 1804, who set up shop at York Street (now Halifax Road). He married Sally …

53.53 – John, George, Mary, Millicent and John Land, and Hannah Elizabeth Crossley

This story introduces us to some new faces…and an old villain. John Land was born in Wirksworth, Derbyshire in 1816. His wife Mary MacDonald had been born there too, a year earlier. The Lands and MacDonalds were lead miners as were many in that area at the time, and it will have been an extremely …