35.14 – John McGrail

Initially thought to read “J. McC.”, this plot marker is actually J. McG. – and that opened the door to John’s story, that of a young man who died early after a very mixed set of life experiences. From a troubled household to sporting fame, this is his story. John McGrail was born in Leeds …

54.45 and 13.11 – John, Sarah, Thomas and Barker Ackroyd

This grave story will straddle two graves, but the background for John is already told partly at S6.6 and 13.12, and the Ackroyd family extends well beyond just those two graves as well…for now, though, it’s easier to combine these two stones into one story. John Ackroyd’s background is well known so first let’s start …

36.9 – James, Hannah, Roland, George and Sarah Howorth, and Mary King

This massive monument, almost a quadruple plot, was one of if not the very first grave whose overgrowth was checked and peeled back. It turned out to be a very important one, as Hannah here was the reason Christ Church had such a beautiful and well-regarded peal of bells. The bells were bought by her …